Just a little Fun pt.2

Sometimes your greatest critic is yourself. At least in my case.  I mentioned in part 1 of this post that I can be a bit of an over thinker.  Part of that is second guessing myself and disregarding my own ideas. As part of the Miss Bahamas and B.T.V.I. collaboration, designers were asked to design and create 2 looks for the contestants.  The first look was a straight dress for the motorcade (discussed in the last post)  and the second was an avant-garde piece. I was both excited and apprehensive about creating the second look. However, before I could even find out any details, I started to second guess myself.  I had never created an avant-garde look before!  Do I even have what it takes? 

Just to be sure I knew what avant-garde really was I turned to the all knowing mighty google to double check. According to the all knowing search engine “avant-garde are people or works that are experimental or innovative, particularly with respect to fashion, art, lifestyle or culture. The avant-garde pushes the boundaries of what is accepted as the norm or the status quo.”


To back track a bit, in order for us to know who our contestant was, designers had to pick an inspirational picture out of hat. That picture would determine who we would be working with. As soon I saw the inspirational picture, I immediately got excited. The dark aesthetic was definitely up my alley.  My goal when I started to design was to make sure that someone who sees the outfit would be able to recognize the inspiration when they see it without it looking like it was a copy of the look.


As my design began to take shape, I started once again to fall back into the old pattern of overthinking. Will this design be good enough to take the stage? Is this even avant-garde? Will I be able to make this design into what I envisioned?  I decided to just silence my inner critic that kept saying this is not it! I stepped out in faith and started to create my design. Some things in life require risk and we will never know what the outcome will be unless we take that first step! 

Miss Bahamas-01.jpg

If I had decided not to continue with my design, I would never have known what the outcome would have been. As most of my designs tend to do, it started to evolve as I went through the process.  I eliminated certain elements, added others, and changed details from fabric to accessories. The final look was even more than I had expected it to be and I absolutely loved it! I would not have changed a single thing.

Initially, the avant-garde segment was not supposed to be a competition. Imagine my surprise and joy when my contestant Rejean Bosh was announced as the winner of that segment! Everything worked out even better than I could have imagined and I am happy that I silenced my inner critic!
