Challenge accepted!

Last year I was challenged to design a birthday outfit for a client. Although I do create one of a kind outfits regularly, this one was a challenge. Lia wanted to be a mermaid for her birthday. I must admit I was both very excited and terrified at the prospect. I have a slight and maybe even unhealthy fascination with the mythical creature; but that’s another topic altogether. After overcoming the initial feelings of anxiety, I presented Lia with a few sketches and once she chose the one she liked I started the process. Mind you, those fears once again arose during the construction process. I had to make the tail in a way that she would be able to walk without removing it. I sometimes felt out of my element but I pressed on and created what I had designed.


This year when I got the call from Lia, I was a bit more mentally prepared. Her theme was based around the jungle. She wanted leaves, she wanted green and she wanted sexy. Once again I presented Lia with several design options and she chose the one that really connected with her. I created a timeline in which each part of the outfit needed to be completed before the official journey began.

I was more confident in my abilities but I underestimated the amount of work required in my self imposed deadline. After getting frustrated because I could not find what I was looking for, I decided to hand cut the leaves for the tiered monochromatic ombre skirt. These leaves kept me up many nights as I berated myself for the direction I chose. My mentality is to always under promise but over deliver. I tend to go the extra mile for clients and I love doing it. The reactions that I see when I exceed their expectations brings me great joy.


Side note: Lia’s birthday shoot was at a zoo. Although I was very prepared for it, I was not prepared for the close proximity to snakes. That my friends is one fear that I did absolutely nothing to overcome!